Basic Policy on AI Ethics


The Z Holdings Group aims to become a world-leading AI tech company from Japan and Asia and to create a world in which the use of AI brings new values and infinite possibilities to all people, enabling humanity to realize a better society towards the future. At the same time, we recognize the potential negative impacts AI can have on people and the society. While respecting users' privacy, we will use AI safely and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, where social issues in areas such as economy, education, and environment are addressed, and the diverse information generated by the new values and connections are utilized to enable each individual to achieve various forms of happiness.

We are aware of our responsibility to the society and economy, do not tolerate unjust discrimination in line with our respect for diversity and in accordance with international norms of human rights as well as the Z Holdings Group Code of Conduct*1 and Basic Policy on Human Rights*2, and respect the safety of life and freedom of expression and speech. On this premise, we will fulfil our responsibility of creating a better future, by ensuring that people benefit equally from AI, and by providing new values and evolution to society through the use of AI. We hereby declare our basic policy to our customers and the society.

1. Creation of a better future and contribution to mankind prompted by the diversity of information

The Z Holdings Group understands that the society is composed of diverse values and a variety of views. We believe that AI will bring new diversity to mankind, encourage the meeting and recognition of different values, views and information, which will accelerate innovation in our society. We will use AI to promote the healthy development of our society, to create a better future, and to contribute to mankind.

2. Realization of a peaceful and sustainable society

In accordance with international norms of human rights, as well as the Z Holdings Group Code of Conduct and Basic Policy on Human Rights, the Z Holdings Group recognizes that everyone has an equal right to benefit from AI, and will utilize AI for world peace and to achieve a sustainable society in which social issues can be resolved. Through AI, we will contribute to the productivity of society and to the revitalization of the social economy. Furthermore, we will increase the speed of people's learning and development through the use of AI, and implement global environmental conservation initiatives for future generations in accordance with our Basic Environmental Policy*3.

3. Governance controls

Z Holdings Corporation will be responsible for governance controls to ensure that the Basic Policy on AI Ethics becomes an effective initiative for the Z Holdings Group. Should an incident occur that is detrimental to society or users, we will promptly disclose the facts, endeavor to clarify the cause, and take appropriate safety control measures and extensive measures to prevent reoccurrence.

4. Pursuit of fairness and impartiality

In developing and using AI, the Z Holdings Group will respect user privacy and value diversity, and strive to ensure that no unfair discrimination against specific attributes or individuals occur. Furthermore, we will pursue the fairness of AI by appropriately verifying data, algorithms, outputs, etc., to avoid inappropriate biases occurring in the results of AI applications.

5. Pursuit of transparency and accountability

The Z Holdings Group recognizes the need for transparency regarding decisions made by AI and will pursue accountability. In order to minimize concerns about AI, we will strive to achieve communication that gains understanding and acceptance from the society.

6. Ensuring safety and security

The Z Holdings Group will ensure safety and security in the use of AI, evaluate risks according to the purpose of its use, and take measures according to the risks, in line with the Z Holdings Group's Cybersecurity Policy*4.

7. Protection of privacy

The Z Holdings Group believes that user data handled by AI requires a high degree of privacy protection. We will take sufficient care not to breach privacy when developing and using AI and comply with the Basic Policy on Data Protection*5 to build the trust from our users.

8. AI human capital development

In order to further advance AI, the Z Holdings Group endeavors to foster human resources in AI in a variety of job categories, and to develop professionals who can lead discussions in academic and interdisciplinary fields and create new value beyond the boundaries of industry, academia, and government. Through the development of AI human capital, the Z Holdings Group will contribute to social development.

The content of this basic policy will be revised as appropriate, keeping in mind that AI technologies and societal attitudes will change over time.

Unless otherwise specified, English-language documents are prepared solely for the convenience of non-Japanese speakers. If there is any inconsistency between the English-language documents and the Japanese-language documents, the Japanese-language documents will prevail.